Me, Myself & I …& Him

Who is this? Is probably the question you are asking yourself as you start reading this blog?

So, I will begin with who I am, actually I will begin with who I am not.

I am not – the pastor of some mega church who is going to tell you how to turn your church in a mega church, because having a mega church means that you have succeeded in this pastoring game.  Not that I have anything against mega churches – they have their place in the Body of Christ.  But not every church is meant to be one and I sure didn’t pastor in one.

I am not – a world renowned speaker, in fact I don’t even speak that great.  My English teacher friends often cringe when I am speaking due to my love of double negatives and ending sentences with prepositions (whatever that means – I really just end mine with a period). I do teach and preach and know full well when the Holy Spirit is in control vs when it is just me, unfortunately sometimes not until after I have spoken, yikes.

I am not – someone who thinks they have all the answers to your struggles.  I am wholly dependent on the Lord myself.

I am not – friends with all sorts of famous people who will impress you.  The only famous person I know is Jesus Christ, but yes, we are really close.

So, who am I?

First and foremost – I am the daughter of the King.

Second – I am also the daughter of a pastor.  My family has been in ministry for 30 years.

I personally have been in ministry leadership for 16 years.  I have done everything from children’s ministry leader, women’s ministry leader, head deaconess, worship leader and Assistant Pastor – which actually includes a lot of the above jobs as well. As well as dishwasher, nursery diaper changer and toilet plunger and cob web dismantler (sorry English teacher friends).

Thirdly – I have 10 years’ experience of living in rebellion prior to these last 16 years. 10 years of not going to church due to the thought that pretty much Christians were hypocrites etc.  The lessons learned in those 10 years are absolutely vital to the lessons learned in the last 16 years.  Regrets – yes, but truly a remarkable learning experience that I wouldn’t trade now. 

So pretty much – a preacher’s kid, turned preacher, who in turn made my kids preacher’s kids.

I am also an intercessor, watchman and a warrior for the Lord (who used to be a worrier).

Based on this eloquent introduction: you are probably wondering why you should bother reading this?

I asked myself the same question when the Lord told me to write this.

“Lord, but I am not the pastor of a mega church.  I am not a famous speaker or even know famous people.  Why would anyone be interested in what I have to say?”

He then took me to Habakkuk.

Habakkuk 2:1-3

I will climb up to my watchtower
    and stand at my guard post.
There I will wait to see what the Lord says
    and how he will answer my complaint.

The Lord’s Second Reply

2 Then the Lord said to me,

“Write my answer plainly on tablets,
    so that a runner can carry the correct message to others.
3 This vision is for a future time.
    It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled.
If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently,
    for it will surely take place.
    It will not be delayed.


The Lord has taught me and my family so much these last 30 years.  What to do and what not to do.  How to be and how not to be. Now is the time to share it.

Is this blog going to solve all the problems faced by churches and the Body of Christ today – nope. But God gave me words to say to you. If He gave them then He must have a plan to use them. So, if you are still reading this  – perhaps these words are for you.

My Disclaimer:

The Bible does not contradict itself.  So, if scripture is being interpreted in a way in which it contradicts other scripture – it is being interpreted wrong.

2 Timothy 3:16-18

16 All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. 17 God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work.

1 Thessalonians 5:21

21 but test everything that is said. Hold on to what is good.

 I think it is important that you know my heart.  Knowing someone’s heart attitude helps greatly when we are receiving from them.  For you to truly understand my heart I need to share some of my testimony with you.

Scripture has defined my life these past few years.  Before that I had a severe problem with anxiety.  I was an insecure, co-dependent mess whom God was getting ready to transform.


My Battle with Anxiety, pt. 1