My Shepherd Stewardship Services

The goal of My Shepherd Stewardship Services is to provide small churches and small non-profit organizations with affordable accounting and reporting services.

Our services.



My Shepherd is not simply a bookkeeping, it includes all normal functions like tracking expenses, revenue, payroll and reconciliation, but the service provided will also include a variety of analytics to assist with your ministry needs.


Customizable System Structure

My Shepherd has created an accounting system that is customizable for each ministry. This will allow us to easily track and report on restricted funds or even track individual parts of the ministry. The system can accommodate future changes to the ministry.


The system has the ability to customize reports; thus allowing the ministry to see the financials in a variety of perspectives. My Shepherd will also provide oversight reports that are designed for governing boards.  These reports can be customized to fit the needs or specific requests from your board.


Customizable process

The physical process of collecting paperwork and preparing the files that will be easily accessible in the case of an audit. This process can be adjusted based on the needs and resources available for the ministry.


Contact us.
(520) 429-7357